Hair Transplants in Tenafly, NJ

Cosmetic Hair Loss Solutions That Work

The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey offers hair transplant surgeries in Tenafly, NJ, along with a number of alternative procedures to help you get your hair back.

If you’ve noticed lately that your hair is beginning to bald or thin out, accepting your hair loss doesn’t have to be the only option. Our hair restoration specialists will work with you to find the best solution for your hair loss based on your aesthetic goals and how much hair you’re looking to restore. Contact us to schedule your consultation or to learn more about how you can restore your hair.

The Best Hair Restoration Treatments in Tenafly, NJ

Everyone experiences hair loss differently and at different rates. In some circumstances, a prescription medication to slow hair loss may be the best option, while others might look for a more permanent solution through transplantation surgery. No matter what your desired results are, we can help you achieve them.

Medications That Promote Natural Hair Growth

Two kinds of medications are often prescribed to slow the effects of male pattern baldness.

Minoxidil, or Rogaine, is often prescribed as a topical ointment or tablet that encourages hair growth by widening the blood vessels in your scalp. Finasteride, also known as Propecia or Proscar, works by preventing testosterone from turning into dihydrotestosterone, which is the main cause of male pattern baldness.

Stopping either of these medications can cause hair loss to return, so it is important to stay consistent in order to maintain their results.

Hair Transplant Surgeries

If you are looking for a more permanent solution to your hair loss without the need for medication, we perform hair transplant surgeries in Tenafly, NJ. We will help you identify the best procedure for you based on the extent of your hair loss, your health history, and your desired results.

Follicular Unit Transplantation: FUT Hair Transplantation

During follicular unit transplantation (FUT), a strip of healthy hair follicles is removed from a donor area on the back of your head. Your hair transplant surgeon will divide this strip into individual grafts and transplant them back into balding areas to promote healthy growth. This procedure typically takes between 4 and 8 hours and is commonly referred to as “hair plugs”.

Follicular Unit Extraction: FUE Hair Transplant Surgery

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) takes longer than FUT, but often generates more natural-looking results and less scarring. Instead of harvesting an entire strip of hair for grafting, an FUE procedure extracts individual hair follicles and transplants them into desired areas. This is the most popular hair transplant method.

Facial Hair Transplants

If you’ve noticed thinning or patchy areas of hair in your beard, mustache, or eyebrows, we offer facial hair transplants to boost your confidence and give you a fuller look.

Female Hair Restoration

Women may experience hair loss from stress or underlying health conditions. We are proud to offer inclusive hair transplant options and specialize in female hair restoration. With a thorough consultation, we can help you determine the best transplant service for you.

Hair Restoration Procedures

Some people may have a fear of surgery or worry about long recovery times due to a health condition like diabetes. Luckily, we offer alternative hair restoration procedures to help you reach your natural hair growth goals with no surgery required.

Platelet-Rich Plasma: PRP Therapy

During PRP Therapy, your blood is drawn and processed to extract platelets from it. They are then injected into your scalp either on their own to encourage new hair growth, or in addition to another procedure to promote healing and shorten the recovery process.

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a hair restoration procedure that’s similar to getting a tattoo. Using a microneedling tool, pigment is injected into the scalp to create the appearance of a full head of hair. This is often recommended for men who prefer to wear their hair short, or for those looking to create a fuller-looking hairline.

PDO Threads

PDO Threads are small sutures that oxygenate the scalp to promote hair growth. They are typically used in addition to a hair transplant and can promote blood flow, increase collagen production, and stimulate your body’s platelet response to encourage growth.

Stem Cell Grafting

Many people choose stem cell grafting to repair their damaged hair follicles and promote new growth. During this procedure, stem cells are extracted from the scalp and injected into areas with damaged or weak hair follicles to heal them and stimulate new growth.

Why Tenafly, NJ Chooses Us for Hair Transplants

Dr. Dominick Golio has been leading our team of hair restoration specialists with over 20 years of knowledge and experience. Our board-certified surgeons use patented techniques and state-of-the-art technology to restore your hair back to its former glory.

Hair transplants are a sensitive topic for many. We know it can feel embarrassing to admit you’re losing your hair, and how important it is that your restoration results are as natural-looking as possible. Our comprehensive consultations will listen to your need and walk you through your options, so you’ll know exactly what to expect.

How much is a hair transplant in New Jersey?

The cost of your hair transplant will vary based on the severity of your hair loss, the skill level of your surgeon, and how many sessions you will need to achieve your desired look. On average, a single follicle graft costs around $4, with most treatments requiring between 500 and 6,000 total grafts.

Are hair transplants 100 percent successful?

A common fear among hair transplant recipients is that their procedure won’t take and their hair loss will continue. Fortunately, FUE and FUT hair transplantation procedures are between 90% and 95% successful. The 5-10% of transplants that fail often amount to the skill level of your hair surgeon and the steps you take to heal after a transplant. Our experienced hair specialists are board-certified to offer you the highest level of care and can provide you with a detailed aftercare plan to generate the best possible results.

How painful is a hair transplant?

During a hair transplant, your surgeon will apply a local anesthetic to the donor and recipient areas, either via injection or a topical ointment. The procedure itself is painless due to the anesthesia, but you may experience some discomfort in the donor area as you heal, especially if you’ve had a FUT procedure.

What is the lifespan of a hair transplant?

A hair transplant may take between 3 and 6 months before you start to see noticeable growth. After you have fully healed from your transplant, your hair should continue to take on a natural appearance and will grow for the rest of your life.

How do you sleep after a hair transplant?

It’s recommended after a hair transplant that you sleep on your back, with your head elevated to reduce swelling. Many people use a neck pillow to keep the back of their head off the pillow and reduce movement while they sleep.

Contact The Hair Transplant Center New Jersey Today


(201) 716-1903


develop an individualized treatment based on your health, your hair loss, and your desired results. When you decide you’re ready to feel confident about your hair again, contact us and schedule a consultation.We offer expert hair restoration cosmetic procedures in Tenafly, NJ, and will work with you to


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