Female Hair Restoration

Styling your hair is how you express yourself. You can dress it up or dress it down to reflect your personality, attract attention, and project a chosen identity. But hair loss can affect the way you look. You might not be able to find a hairstyle that is perfect for you. The sooner someone seeks treatment for baldness, the more chance the individual has of getting one’s hair back.

Many women who experience hair loss suffer in silence. Society has set unrealistic and unreasonable beauty standards that make it difficult to accept some of the ways we age. But these expectations don’t have to continue even when your crowning glory starts thinning, or you face bald patches.

Women who experience hair loss could find relief in the hands of Dr. Dominick Golio, hair transplant and plastic surgeon in New Jersey.

Conveniently located in Paramus, New Jersey, Dr. Golio and The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey proudly serve the areas of Bergen County, northern, central, and southern New Jersey. Schedule a meeting with Dr. Golio to benefit from his talents and knowledge. He also offers virtual consultations, allowing him to deliver online care with the push of a button.

What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

The causes of women’s hair loss can include genetics, environmental factors, or a mix of both. Androgenetic alopecia is the term for female pattern baldness induced by heredity. Genetics also plays a role in how people get sick. Some diseases, like thyroid disease and lupus, can cause women to lose their hair. Other conditions include autoimmune diseases, anxiety, depression, or anemia.

Female pattern baldness is a symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Diet, stress, and certain drugs can also cause female hair loss. Steroids, in particular, have been connected to the condition due to their ability to slow down or stop normal follicle development. Moreover, it could lead females into an entirely new form of patterned balding as they age. Other substances like antidepressants or thyroid medicines sometimes affect hair growth.

Procedures for Women’s Hair Restoration

Dr. Golio has experience with hair loss problems and has found many ways to help people. It is difficult to find a way to fix bald spots and thinning locks on your own, but Dr. Golio can help with specific women’s hair restoration procedures, including:

Read more about these women’s hair restoration procedures below.


Cole FUE System

Cole Instruments develops a line of products.....

Ellis FUE System

The Ellis FUE device is revolutionizing the hair.....

WAW FUE System

he WAW FUE system uses a specially shaped device.....

Topical Treatments

Dr. Golio can assist you in addressing your hair loss.....

Hair Loss Injections

Hair loss is a common and devastating problem for.....

Cole FUE System

Cole Instruments develops a line of products to help hair transplant experts. These devices improve patient outcomes and overall efficacy. Cole Instruments has developed precision tools for these procedures:

  • Donor extraction.
  • Graft storage.
  • Recipient site preparation.
  • Graft preparation.
  • Hairline design.

Hair restoration is not only for men anymore. Female patients can achieve long-lasting, natural-looking results with the Cole FUE System. Contact The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey today to learn more about how this new technology can change your life forever.

Ellis FUE System

The Ellis FUE device is revolutionizing the female hair transplant process by automating many traditional manual steps. Its simplicity and affordability make it an excellent option for strip harvest procedures, thus improving efficiency.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Traditionally, a hair transplant procedure involves removing hair follicles from your scalp. They usually come from a strip of skin on your scalp. Then, the doctor will transplant them into the areas that need new hair growth. Strip harvesting is very effective. However, this procedure usually leaves a linear scar on the donor area.

For many years, patients could not get a hair transplant without having a visible scar. Today, this goal is possible with little to no discomfort or downtime in most cases, thanks to the growing popularity of FUE. Many doctors are using this method as a primary extraction technique.

It is now possible to remove grafts without leaving visible scars in your donor area. With a two- or three-step process, an FUE specialist can extract individual follicular units. The hair transplant doctor will then implant them using typical implantation methods.

Dr. Golio turns his attention to small groups of follicles. He only leaves tiny marks that are not permanent and will heal quickly. He places the healthy follicles in the spot where you want them to grow to help form your hair.

WAW FUE System

The WAW FUE system uses a specially shaped device to cut hair. This device simulates the natural shape of the hair. It makes it easier for doctors like Dr. Golio to cut the hair without making an incision and minimizes the risk of hurting other hair, too.

Topical Treatments

Dr. Golio can assist you in addressing your hair loss by using topical therapies such as the following:

Minoxidil can help promote hair growth on the scalp. It accomplishes this objective by dilating the blood arteries, allowing more blood to flow smoothly through them and making hair follicles expand. This therapy also strengthens the growth phase of the cycle for hair follicles.

You can reduce hair loss by decreasing the levels of DHT in your body. DHT is the enzyme responsible for reducing hair. However, the FDA has not approved finasteride for women due to its possible link with congenital disabilities.

Hair Loss Injections

Hair loss is a common and devastating problem for many women. Dr. Golio at The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey can address this issue by drawing blood to extract plasma. By injecting plasma into thinning areas of the scalp, the procedure can stimulate hair growth.

Platelets are responsible for clotting factors in your body. Then, they heal wounds that might otherwise be fatal if untreated, such as significant cuts or broken bones.

Together with purified plasma injections, platelet-rich treatment helps encourage healthy hair production. Platelets in your blood are responsible for the clotting factor. Together they make a potent serum that aids in healing. They help your dermal papilla cells at the base of your follicles when injected at the region of the scalp’s balding and thinning sections.

The hair follicles at the bottom of your scalp produce beta-catenin to activate new hair growth. The protein supports these cells and helps them grow natural locks with their cells.